Ο διαγωνισμός του Κυπριακού Βραβείου Καινοτομίας ΟΕΒ αποτελεί πρωτοβουλία της Ομοσπονδίας Εργοδοτών και Βιομηχάνων (ΟΕΒ) και διοργανώνεται από το 2006 με στόχο την αναγνώριση και βράβευση των επιχειρήσεων/ οργανισμών που έχουν Καινοτομήσει εφαρμόζοντας με επιτυχία την ιδέα τους σε πράξη. Το Βραβείο Καινοτομίας έχει καταστεί θεσμός και θεωρείται η ανώτατη διάκριση της επιτυχούς εφαρμογής της καινοτομίας στην Κύπρο και καλή πρακτική στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.
The Innovation Awards institution is fully supported by the Cyprus Government through a decision of the Council of Ministers and is actively supported by the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation & Digital Policy a well as the Research and Innovation Foundation (IRD).
Σύμφωνα με την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, η Καινοτομία ορίζεται ως εξής:
"the successful production, assimilation and exploitation of novelty in the economic and social spheres”.
Innovation may also include the effective implementation of new processes or the utilization of new technology, with the aim of satisfying the demand / customer or solving a problem within an organization, the society or the economy.
The following are eligible to participate in the competition:
- Legal entities (businesses / organizations) of the private sector operating in Cyprus, which have innovated and can prove the successful implementation of their Innovation.
- The Innovation which they are applying for, should be successfully implemented within the last three years.
- The field of activity of the contestants falls into one of four categories:
- Innovation Award for the Primary Sector
- Innovation Award for the Manufacturing Sector
- Innovation Award for the Services Sector
- Innovation Award for Social Innovation
Each of the four Awards is presented following the evaluation of the applications and taking into account the following criteria:
- The description of the Innovation and the need for which the idea arose as well as the rationale for its development.
- The uniqueness and authenticity of the application of Innovation in Cyprus
- The benefits that have been brought to the operation of the business/organization from the adoption of the Innovation.
- The ways in which the Innovation created a competitive advantage in the business/organization.
- The consolidation of a culture of Innovation in the company's staff.
- The application of innovation and the effects on the improvement of the natural environment and working conditions.
- The impact of Innovation on people (e.g. safety, health, social inclusion of vulnerable groups, equality, etc.)
- The financial or other business results (e.g. profitability, resources / time savings, productivity increase, etc.) resulting from the implementation of the Innovation.
- The Primary Sector concerns businesses from the agriculture, livestock, fishing, mining and quarrying sectors.
- The Manufacturing Sector concerns all industrial businesses.
- The Services Sector concerns all businesses in the tertiary sector.
- Social Innovation may concern any sector of economic activity, provided that it has a social character, i.e. it is addressed to businesses / organizations that have successfully developed and marketed innovative products or services with the aim of fulfilling social needs and improving the quality of life.
- The Evaluation Committee is not bound to award a prize if deemed that this is not justified.
- Prize-winning businesses may also participate in subsequent competitions with a different Innovation.
- Businesses which participated in a previous competition and did not receive an award, may participate in subsequent competitions with the same and/or improved Innovation.
- By submitting an application to participate in the competition, applicants agree to provide additional data, evidence and information that may be required by the Evaluation Committee.
- Only one application (one innovation) from each legal entity is accepted for each category (field of activity).
- The Evaluation Committee may invite the applicants to a personal interview / presentation of the Innovation.
The applications are assessed by the Evaluation Committee, which consists of seven persons with indisputable knowledge:
- - Chief Scientist for Research, Innovation & Technology and President of the Research and Innovation Foundation – Chairman of the Committee.
- - Director General of the Research and Innovation Foundation.
- - Director General of the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy.
- - Two senior Managers from businesses - Members of OEB.
- - Past Winner of the Innovation Award.
- - Director of the Business Development Department, OEB.
During the evaluation process, depending on the judgment of the Committee, it is possible to use the knowledge of experts on very specific topics.
The Secretary of the Committee is a member of OEB Secretariat without the right to vote.
Applications for participation in the competition are submitted online through the website innovationaward.oeb.org.cy, within the deadline set by OEB.